
1 reviews 0 orders
USD 465,00 USD 562.65 incl. VAT
TB-11, Unit-1, DBEB, IIT - Delhi, HauzKhas, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016
+91 99229 1862

About nasofilters :

Nasofilters is the most affordable and reliable solution to all the Nasal filters for allergies by humans as it guards against the harmful contaminants and toxic chemicals, thereby preventing many heart and respiratory diseases. The multi-functional air filter provides 95% efficiency which is extremely easy to use and can be worn in all weather conditions. .

Business Details:

Developed by a team from IIT Delhi. Nasofilters, is a respiratory nasal filter that sticks to your nose and prevents the entry of harmful air pollutants (PM2.5) in your body. Nasofilters are made from nanofibers, this ensures there is a minimal pressure drop while breathing, ensuring ease of breathing and no breathing discomfort. .

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